At Vivadelux, we believe in rewarding your loyalty generously. Our Vivapoints program is designed to give you back a significant portion of your spending, allowing you to enjoy luxury shopping while earning valuable rewards. Here’s how you can get back up to 10% of your spending through our points system:
How Vivapoints Works:
- Earning Points: For every euro you spend, you earn 2 Vivapoints.
- Redemption Rate: 100 Vivapoints can be redeemed for €5.
Example Calculation:
Total Spending: €500
Points Earned: For every €1 spent, you earn 2 points.
€500 x 2 points/euro = 1,000 Vivapoints
Value of Points: 100 points = €5
1,000 points = €50
Potential Savings:
With our Vivapoints program, you can get back up to 10% of your spending. In this example, for spending €500, you earn 1,000 Vivapoints, which can be redeemed for €50 on future purchases. This effectively means you are getting back €50, making your luxury shopping experience even more rewarding.